LILAMA - Electromechanics Testing JSC (HNX: LCD) announced the Notice of seasoned issue as follows:

I. Issuer information:

- Issuer: LILAMA - Electromechanics Testing JSC

- Main office: 434-436 Nguyen Trai str., Trung Van ward, Tu Liem dist., Ha noi

- Stock code: LCD

- Charter capital: 13,500,000,000 VND

- Working capital: 46,392,343,694 VND

- Business line: Electromechanics Testing; Electronic Installation

II. Purpose of seasoned issue: increasing charter capital

III. Plan of seasoned issue

- Issuer: LILAMA - Electromechanics Testing JSC

- Stock type: common stock

- Par value: 10.000 VND

- Total volume of outstanding shares: 1,350,000 shares

- Number of treasury share: 0 share

- Total volume of share to be issued: 150,000 shares

- Total value of shares to be issued: 1,500,000,000 VND

- Record date: 30/11/2012

- Resource: Paid in capital and retained earning

- Exercise rate: 9:1 (shareholders receive 01 new share for every 09 shares they own)

- Rounding method, handling of shares representing less than one unit: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. Odd shares and unsold shares will be repurchased as treasury share with price not lower than that offered to outstanding shareholders.